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Writer's pictureNaveen Maram

Unlocking Your Potential: Exploring the Transformational Power of Locus of Control

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

A person standing and wondering about control in life representing locus of control

Summary: Locus of control refers to our internal beliefs about how much power we have to shape outcomes in our lives. Extensive research shows that cultivating an internal locus of control—the belief that you can influence results through your choices—correlates strongly with greater motivation, resilience, life satisfaction and performance. This article explores the transformational impact of embracing an internal locus of control and provides guidance on developing this empowering mindset. Read on to learn how locus of control can unlock your potential.


This article explores the captivating concept of locus of control and how it can revolutionize mindsets to unlock innate potential. Locus of control refers to our ingrained beliefs about the level of control we have over outcomes in our lives. It revolves around our perceptions of agency—whether we view ourselves as the architects of our destinies or passive pawns subject to external winds.

Imagine two individuals confronted by similar obstacles. One possesses an internal locus of control and believes wholly in their capacity to influence outcomes through their choices. The other has an external locus of control, feeling outcomes are dictated by chance or circumstances beyond their control. When challenges arise, the internal-locus individual takes proactive action to overcome barriers. The external-locus person feels resigned to fate, powerless to change trajectory. This compelling concept extends beyond surface explanations. Let's dive deeper.

Internal Locus of Control

Individuals with a predominant internal locus of control believe that outcomes experienced in life are determined by their own actions, diligence, and personal characteristics. For instance, professional triumphs like promotions may be attributed to hard work, skill development, and wise workplace behaviours. Failures like a poor performance review are ascribed to factors within the person's control as well, such as insufficient preparation or weak effort. In this worldview, individuals are the masters of their own destinies through their behaviours, choices, and development of knowledge and competencies. Life events are not mere coincidences, but products of the agency exercised.

External Locus of Control

Conversely, individuals embodying an external locus of control perspective assign causality for life events to uncontrollable external factors, chance, or powerful outside agents.

Successes and failures are believed to be results of chance or detrimental circumstances beyond one's control. For example, acing an exam may be attributed to it containing material the individual randomly knew well or an easier-than-usual test structure. Losing a job is chalked up to getting stuck with an unreasonable boss or limited opportunities during a recession economy. In essence, life is seen as randomly shaping events, irrespective of one's own actions. Destiny, luck, randomness, and external authority figures dictate outcomes, not personal effort, or qualities.

Mixed and Situational Locus of Control

Another relevant manifestation is possessing a mixed locus of control, blending internal and external perspectives. Certain outcomes may be attributed to personal agency and behaviours while other events are ascribed to external or environmental causes.

For example, an individual with a mixed locus may recognize their work ethic as driving career success but believe randomness impacted romantic outcomes.

Locus of control orientation can also be domain-specific, a concept known as situational locus of control. Within different life realms like health, finance, academics, or relationships, one may display internal or external orientations independently. For instance, a student may display an internal academic locus but an external locus regarding their athletic performance or friendships.

Impacts on Motivation and Achievement

A pivotal finding from extensive research is that possessing an internal locus of control tends to positively correlate with key factors like happiness, life satisfaction, lower stress, greater motivation, and enhanced workplace and academic performance. By believing they have the power to produce desired results through their own choices and behaviours, internals are more inspired to pursue goals proactively even in the face of obstacles. They display greater grit and resilience. These motivational effects underscore the immense influence our ingrained perceptions of either personal powerlessness or agency exert on constructing our realities.

Achieving Balance

However, the goal is not total mastery over every domain. External variables inevitably affect outcomes as well. The idea is striking a thoughtful balance between self-responsibility and acknowledging areas where external variables limit control. Internals may still experience distress over negative events but are more adept at focusing energy on recovering and moving forward with life. The locus of control is an orientation, not necessarily a fatalistic determiner of destinies.

Developing an Internal Locus of Control

Though partly shaped by childhood experiences, locus of control beliefs can be gradually cultivated over time:

  • Set small, achievable goals, and recognize your behaviours that led to accomplishing them.

  • Identify and reframe negative self-talk patterns that disempower.

  • Increase awareness of self-defeating externalizing beliefs (e.g., "I have no control because of X.")

  • Visualize yourself overcoming current and future challenges through preparation and effort.


Embracing the notion of an internal locus of control is about acknowledging your power to take the helm of your life and steer yourself toward desired goals. It is a mindset of human agency, resilience in the face of adversity, and realizing your full potential. By believing in your self-efficacy and capacity to affect change, you can unlock tremendous motivation and fulfilment.

Naveen Maram

Inspiring individuals to fearlessly pursue their dreams and create their own success stories.

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